Simple Cutoffs

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This is one of those super simple, easy go-to outfits you might see me in on a day that I have school and just want to be comfy. As I said in the previous post, I love having cute backpacks that just mesh well with my style and this one does just that. 
There’s just nothing like an effortless outfit when you have so much to do!
Also on a side note, I don’t know how many of you read what I write but I would love your feedback…what kind of posts would you like to see from me? Is there anything I could add to my outfit posts that you might like? I LOVE YOUR FEEDBACK!!
What I’m Wearing: Tee: Zady, Shorts: RE/DONE, Sandals: Urban Outfitters (last year), Sunglasses: RayBan, Backpack: JanSport
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Fall Preview with JanSport

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So this might be a little confusing because it’s July and I’m wearing a coat in these photos. But to be honest…it’s just as confusing as the weather has been in Portland! It’s been days of clouds and overcast until lately. So I guess I really just got inspired to break out my layers again! I’m so happy to be teaming up with JanSport again! Their bags are just so essential and ideal for us college students! The classic, minimalistic style flows so well with my wardrobe. And purses are super cute and all but for school, I really just need a good backpack to haul everything in! 
This outfit was such a great glimpse of why I’m looking forward to fall…what about you guys?? 
Photos by: Dawn Photography
 What I’m Wearing: Coat: BLQ Basiq, Top: Topshop, Jeans: FRAME, Shoes: Reebok via, Backpack: JanSport
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White on White

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Ahh first off. What a busy week I’ve had! I took a semester off from school to get situated back in Portland and to give myself a little break. So starting school again recently was a bit overwhelming! I think my brain is still on vacation haha
Anyways, I am happy to get back into a routine and figure out when to make time for certain things. 
Isn’t this dress so cute? The little bow on the top is my favorite thing. I love how simple and sweet it is. The perfect little summer dress, if I do say so myself! Still a sucker for white on white…it just makes sense for summer!
Photos by Dawn Photography (check out her work, she’s so sweet and so talented!)
What I’m Wearing: Dress: Delacy, Shoes: Mutma

The Fifth

6L0A96396L0A96656L0A96346L0A96926L0A9706 A romper by one of my favorite brands: The Fifth Label. My favorite thing about them is the simplicity of the designs while still keeping them unique. The wrap front and the tie keep it feminine but the added buttons give it a bit of a vintage/sailor look. I LOVE IT. Keep an eye out for it coming soon!
 I’ve been noticing I’ve been drawn to color more and more lately. Even though I will always wear my black and white but it’s kind of nice to break out into a feminine color like maroon or red! 
 Also, can’t stop wearing these clogs! I’ve really narrowed down a lot of my favorite pieces in my closet and keep them on repeat. It makes it so much easier to decide what to wear in the mornings! 
Anyways, are you guys enjoying your summer so far? Portland has been having such odd summer weather. It’s been cloudy basically everyday. I’m seriously so ready for the sunshine. I might have to jump in my car and head south until I feel the sun again! haha
 What I’m Wearing: Romper: The Fifth Label, Clogs: Charlotte Stone, Purse: Kozha Numbers

Shop some of my favorites from The Fifth Label!!

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I have been a huge fan of RE/DONE since I first heard about them a couple of years ago. Not only is their company good and beneficial for the environment but it’s also so badass. If you haven’t heard of RE/DONE before, they take old vintage Levi’s and then basically give them a makeover so that they fit even better and almost give them a new life. It’s pretty awesome. And being a big fan of Levi’s as well, RE/DONE is really one of my favorites. 
 It’s safe to say I will be waring these shorts a lot!
 What I’m Wearing: Top: Reformation, Shorts: RE/DONE, Necklace: Lumo, Shoes: Urban Outfitters

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