My Health + Fitness Journey


Growing up, fitness was a big part of my life. At the age of 4 or 5, my mom enrolled me in Soccer and the rest was history. I played and tried a variety of sports such as soccer, basketball, softball, volleyball, track and cross country. The ones that stuck with my were soccer and track, and I even was offered a small scholarship at a community college to run track. I decided to turn down this scholarship in order to pursue blogging and other dreams that I had. After high school, I really didn’t make working out, fitness, or my health a priority. I think I was just so used to being in shape and feeling healthy, that I thought it was just second nature and would just continue to happen without any effort. I was so wrong.

Around 20 years old, I started really noticing my anxiety. This might have been something I had my entire life but I never really felt it until I stopped working out. Anxiety slowly started to become a part of my life and something I accepted rather than trying to get help with. Counseling helped a little bit but I didn’t have enough patience at the time to really find the right counselor (if you suffer from anxiety, I can’t tell you how important it is to find help and find what works for you!). I would also try and work out a little bit for another good healthy outlet, but I struggled sticking with it.


In early 2018, I had the worst panic attack of my life. I woke up in the middle of the night, my heart beating out of my chest and a weird feeling in my arm. I literally thought I was having a heart attack. The feeling was so scary and I just remember thinking I was going to pass out or die. This sounds ridiculous, but anxiety can really trick your mind into believing things that aren’t real. Luckily, my bf was able to finally calm me down but for the next couple of weeks, I had the hardest time falling asleep, I was scared the same thing would happen again.

The panic attacks eventually started to cease after reducing my caffeine intake and changing a couple of things in my routine but I realized I needed to really make a change. I was feeling tired, my body wasn’t feeling as strong as it used to, and just overall I wasn’t feeling good about myself or my lifestyle. I just remember the first week of the new year, deciding I was going to get personal training. I had been saving my money and had some extra from Christmas, and I saw that my gym was having a sale on personal training sessions!




I’ve been doing personal training now for 2 and a half months. I decided to go this route because I wanted accountability. Someone that would be checking in with me to make sure that I was doing my workouts. Plus, spending money on this, I knew I would take it more seriously or else my money would be going to waste.

Before this turns into a novel (I could go on and on), let’s finally get to the point. I just want to share my workout and fitness routine in case any of you are interested!

I have personal training sessions two days a week for 50 minutes and then three other days are also workout days and then I get two rest days. The workouts vary week to week but are a variety of weight lifting, cardio, and HIIT workouts. Sometimes I workout at home and watch workout videos on Youtube (popsugar is my favorite!) or my trainer has me do specialized workouts at the gym she made for me. I tend to get bored easily when it comes to workouts so I like having different things to do. The first month of personal training, I noticed a huge difference! I lost 8.5 inches! And overall just felt stronger and better about myself. I’ve noticed feeling more confident going to the gym and working out even with lots of guys around, this used to intimidate me a lot. lol My trainer and I get along so well too that my sessions almost feel like therapy. After I leave, I feel so good. Those endorphins are the best!!

This month, I have been focusing more on what I eat. Pasta and postmates will always been my kryptonite, but I am now making little changes to ensure I am eating more protein and vegetables, things that are beneficial for my body and health. Balance is important though! But I think I will feel even better once I start focusing on food more. The workouts and the correct food go hand in hand, it’s something I am transitioning into more.

Lately, I look forward to going to the gym more than ever and showing the guys I can workout beside them. I’m no longer afraid. It makes me feel strong. And overall, this change has made me feel stronger, more confident and proud of myself for starting something and sticking with it. Also proud of myself for making myself a priority. Putting my health at the top of my to do list and taking action.
My anxiety has been a lot better than it was too! It’s never going to go away, but it’s something I can recognize and handle. It doesn’t control who I am like it used to.


Before (photo on the left – mid January) and After (photo on the right, taken last week! mid march)

So basically, I hope this post encourages you a little bit! If you want to make a change in your life, do it. Don’t let someone else talk you out of it or put you down for making yourself a priority. Working out doesn’t mean you’re “vain” or “trying to be skinny”. I also want to emphasize that it doesn’t matter if you’re a 0 or a 16, love yourself no matter what! This is something this process has made me realize even more. Overall, focusing on your health and what makes you feel good is so important and it’s ok to do something for yourself! YOU DO YOU, WHATEVER THAT MAY BE!




Photos by Kiara Rose Photo


Wearing Winter Favorites into Spring










We’re only 10 days away from Spring…THANK GOD! This winter has actually been pretty mild in Portland in comparison to some of them I’ve been through in the past, but I am really to get out of layers and wear Spring pieces again. For this outfit, it’s one of those good transition outfits where I still am wearing some Winter pieces but also slowly mixing in Spring pieces as well. These pants are a lighter fabric which will be great for warmer weather but wearing my camel coat still makes them appropriate for colder days.

I have been wearing sneakers SO much lately. I always did before but I’ve noticed how much I wear them day to day and I want to share them even more on here. This pair is great because they can be paired with LITERALLY EVERYTHING. I thought they gave a cool effortless feel to this look but this outfit would also look good with a pair of boots or slides if you want to dress it up.

Photos by Kiara Rose Photo

What I’m Wearing: Coat: Mango (Shop Camel Coats here), Tee: Rawson, Pants: Nice Things Palomas (Shop Pink Trousers here), Sneakers: Adidas, Bag: Marais, Necklace: Wolf Circus – Sold Out (Similar here)



8 Dresses to Transition into Spring









Depending on where you live, this time of the year can be really difficult to decide what to wear. In Portland lately, one minute it’s sunny out and feeling like Spring and the next minute the weather man is calling for snow! So you basically just have to be on your toes and let the weather partly decide what you’re going to wear. That’s why I decided to share a few dresses that are great for transitioning from those colder winter months and into those sunnier Spring days.

Long sleeves and maxi dresses are basically going to be your best friends. They add that little bit of length and coverage and can also easily be layered. Pair them with socks and boots, cardigans, coats or layer under a turtleneck and they are ready to help you get through the cold of the day while still amping you up for Spring! OR if you are wanting to wear a shorter dress, pair it with tall boots and a long coat to make it more winter friendly. There are lots of options!

Here are Eight Dresses to transition into Spring, including the one I’m wearing in these photos!




What I’m Wearing: Dress: c/o & Other Stories, Shoes: By Far (last season), Bag: Marais



Photos taken by Kiara Rose Photo

Find me on Instagram! @themoptop


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SUPER EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE THE SHOPBOP SALE IS BEING EXTENDED! Make sure to head over to the site to check out the sales! I invested in some new sandals for spring and I am really looking forward to them!!


Gallery Wall on a Budget!








I have been looking forward to sharing this post with you all! After seeing so many photos on pinterest and accounts that I love, I decided I wanted a few pieces of artwork to hang up in my office. Artwork can be really expensive so I wanted to find websites that would be affordable without compromising the look I wanted. After doing some research and purchasing myself, I can share what I found with you all!

So here is where I got all of the pieces starting at the top left corner, going clockwise.

1. Abstract block print – Society6 

White Frame – Target

2. Line Drawing – Wit & Delight

Tan Wooden Frame – American Frame

3. Text Print – Society6

White Wooden Frame – American Frame

4. Freddie Mercury Live Aid – Etsy

Thrifted Wooden Frame

5. Desert Beach – Society 6

Thrifted Wooden White Frame

6. Abstract Shape Print- Wit & Delight

Thrifted Wooden Frame 


For the frames, I had a harder time finding! I didn’t realize how expensive frames can be and that is what really delayed the wall from coming together. After looking all over online and asking you all, I finally found some that worked great. I found a few at local thrift shops. This was a bit of a pain though because I didn’t measure properly before shopping, so make sure to know what sizes you need and even bring a measuring tape to the thrift store if you need to! Target also had great frames at an affordable price. But they didn’t have many options when it came to different sizing. Then I finally realized I was going to have to buy some custom frames. After looking online for a bit, I decided to order a couple from American Frame. Their frames were absolutely beautiful but they required some self assembly which was a bit of a pain. Overall though, I really recommend them for the price!

I hope this post inspires you to redecorate for yourself and know that you can do so without spending a huge amount of money! It just takes a little bit of time, research and maybe stumbling upon a good blog post to help you out 😉 let me know what print is your favorite!!


