The Little Floral Dress






Can you guess where I got this dress?

If you said vintage, you got it right! I found this floral dress while thrifting a couple of months ago and have been waiting for the weather to heat up so I could wear it. I’m pretty sure I spent $7 on this dress?! And to me it looks like something Reformation would sell. SCORE!

One of the easiest way to dress up a thrift or vintage find is paring them with investment pieces. I bought this Staud bag for myself as a birthday gift a couple of years ago and I still continue to wear it so much. It’s one of those classic pieces that will stay in style for many seasons which is what I try to look for when investing in more expensive pieces. Wearing those pieces with thrift finds instantly elevates them!  Making a $7 dress easily look like a $150 find from a boutique brand.

Well this is a short blog post because I need to clean the apartment and outfit plan for the desert trip next week! We leave in just a couple of days and I am getting SOO PUMPED. Lots and lots of photos and content to come 😉

What I’m Wearing: Dress: Vintage, Bag: Staud, Boots: By Far, Necklace: Wolf Circus

Photos by Kiara Rose Photography


