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I’m going to be honest, I have a love/hate relationship with “wrap” tops and dresses. They’re SO cool and cute and stuff, but I’ve had a few that are such a pain to make stay in place. Especially if you don’t have enough on top to fill out, if you know what I mean. So I can really appreciate a dress that already has the structure but the illusion of a wrap dress like this one.
Pairing sneakers with girly pieces has been one of my favorite things to do the past couple of seasons. I love wearing dresses, but I like to edge them up a bit with a good pair of tennis shoes or beat up boots.
Portland looks like such a big city in these photos! I really love it! I’m just pretending I’m on top of a tall building in New York, just in between fashion shows. Haha NOTTT.
Thanks so much again to Tish Carlson for these badass photos. These are some of my favorites yet!!
What I’m Wearing: Dress: MinkPink c/o Vida Moulin, Shoes: Opening Ceremony via Octer, Bag: c/o Kozha Numbers, Sunglases: RayBan via Urban Outfitters