Wearing Knits/Sweaters in the Summer

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It sounds pretty crazy, wearing knits/sweaters in the summer right? But honestly, Portland for some reason has been pretty cool and not feeling much like summer at all! So I decided to take advantage of it and share an outfit that is perfect for cooler, summer nights! Maybe for a date night on the patio or if you’re able to go out (while practicing social distancing of course!) this might be the ideal look for just that! Pairing sweaters and knits with strappy heels or sandals is a way to make it more summer appropriate as well. You could also pair it with your favorite summer dress or skirt. That’s honestly what I love about sweaters, they’re versatile and can be worn any season to an extent!

This cardigan is from Rouje and honestly, they’ve been a brand I’ve adored for a couple of years now. The brand was created by french muse Jeanne Damas and she has been a HUGE inspiration for me. I was so excited to try out a few of their pieces and this cardigan caught my eye. Yellow is one of my favorite colors and it’s fun to wear this time of year!

What I’m Wearing: Cardigan: c/o Rouje, Jeans: Vintage 501 Levi’s (shop Levi’s here), Shoes: Loq (Shop more from Loq here!), Bag: Doen (shop basket bags here) Heart Ring: Wolf Circus



1 Comment

  1. July 21, 2020 / 4:42 pm

    I love this look so much Tonya! <3