How to Instantly Spruce up Your Room with Revival Rugs!

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After seeing endless inspiration on Pinterest and Instagram, I had been wanting to upgrade my place with a new rug for the longest time. But being a college student, finding a rug that fits my style, aesthetic, and my price range was really difficult. 
I am so happy to let you guys know that Revival Rugs is launching today! Their rugs are SO stunning and all vintage. They’re all sourced from Turkey and are over 30-100 years old! The cool thing about Revival Rugs is that they put the rugs through a Revival Process to give them a more modern look, you can check out a video of the process here. The process removes extra dirt and cleans them up so that they’re ready for your home or space!
When I talked to the founder of Revival Rugs, he told me that him and his wife were having the same difficulties finding a rug that they loved but wasn’t insanely expensive or a cheap remake. That’s what inspired them to launch Revival Rugs
Another thing I really loved when I received my rugs, is that they were in a simple, easy to carry box. I was so worried it was going to be tough carrying them to my car and up the stairs into my place but I was able to carry both of the rugs by myself! 

I can’t recommend Revival Rugs enough! Make sure and check them out and to instantly spruce up your space with one of their beautiful, vintage, Turkish rugs!
