Five Places to Check Out in Reno, Nevada!

IMG_6864 9475FD53-F6DC-4A59-B114-F7D10C62AB53 If you follow me on Instagram, you probably already know that I spent this last week in Reno, Nevada visiting family. I lived in Las Vegas for almost a year but had never been to Reno until last week. I didn’t really know what to expect so I was thinking it was going to be pretty similar to Vegas but I was pleasantly surprised! There were so many great, local shops that reminded me a lot of Portland. Before going on the trip, I did some research trying to find some local places to check out but couldn’t find much while searching. So I decided to make a little mini guide to share some of the places that I think were worth checking out if you’re ever in Reno!


The Golden Jackal – 660 C S. Virginia St.

This was without a doubt, my favorite place we went to in Reno. Vintage shops are always great to check out but there is something about a cool vintage shop in Nevada. Packed with old boots, denim, and tees…this shop is a must see in Reno. I picked up a cool old casino tee and lots of inspiration from the interior of the shop. Rumor is they are going to be selling online as well so keep an eye out!

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Natural Selection – 39 St. Lawrence Ave

am a sucker for any kind of plant shop or nursery so I was so ecstatic when a Reno local told me to check out Natural Selection. The shop was covered head to toe with so many plants…basically heaven. If you’re into taxidermy, this is the place for you! Overall, just a really cool shop to check out in Midtown Reno.

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Reno Public House – 33 St. Lawrence Ave.

Right next door to Natural Selection is a great bar, Reno Public House. I absolutely loved the interior and the moody feel of this place. They had great local beers on tap and some delicious specialty drinks. If it wasn’t too cold, we would have loved to sit in the outdoor patio! It was lined with twinkle lights and desert foliage. This was definitely a great place to end the day.


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Make sure and check out Midtown Reno and Downtown! Downtown is where the iconic Reno sign is along with some really cool old casinos! If you’re into gambling, Downtown is the place to go. Although we didn’t have time to check out the riverwalk, it’s on my list of places to go next time I am in town. 
Midtown was my favorite place in all of Reno. We spent most of the day just walking Virginia street and checking out the local shops. I loved seeing all of the cool old vintage signs too, it really gave a glimpse into old Nevada. 
So that’s it! I know it’s a short guide but I spent a lot of time with family over the week which was the best part of the trip. I would love to hear some of your favorite places in Reno! I will be heading there again soon and I always love seeing what new place I can find!