Thanksgiving, Our Way, with Mezcal Creyente

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This year, Leo and I are celebrating Thanksgiving together at our place. We’re obviously both getting older, so it can make it difficult to go home during the holidays due to everyone’s busy schedule! I had a lot of family traditions surrounding Thanksgiving as a kid. We would always make certain homemade dishes and bring them over to my grandparents. We would have a kids table and a grownups table. But some of those traditions are hard to replicate in our modern lives. So that’s the perfect place for new traditions to be made. Leo and I both enjoy a good cocktail made at home so we thought it would be perfect to have Mezcal Creyente part of our Thanksgiving festivities this year! The combination of Mezcal Creyente and a bite into an orange slice is divine. I love the smoky taste of the sal de gusano with it all, it’s truly a unique and timeless taste! It pairs perfectly with a candle lit apartment and some records spinning!

*This post was sponsored by Mezcal Creyente but all opinions are my own!