Home Update & Living Room Details + Links!

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In case you missed it, I bought my first home in May! It’s definitely a fixer upper and a project but it’s been really exciting to see the progress over the last few months. Even though we still have some work to do in this living room space, such as finding a stain to match the quarter round, buff and polish the floors again, and just a few little things. I wanted to decorate in here and see how the furniture from my apartment would look. I got so many questions about the furniture so I thought I would link everything and share where everything is from!

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Living Room Details & Links:

Couch: Kardiel, Coffee Table: Kardiel, Wicker Chair: France & Son, Rug: World Market, Lamp: Gantri, Curtains: Amazon

And a lot of the little decorations are thrifted/found second hand 🙂 I plan on getting a mirror or something to hang above the fire place, but I just wanted to see how it all looked and I love it!

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This might be my favorite room update in the house so far! We did a few small updates to our blue bathroom here, but the living room was more of a drastic update! When I heard there were hardwood floors underneath the carpet, I couldn’t wait to rip out the carpet and see the condition of the floors! See below for the before photos of the room! And be sure to follow along on Instagram and Tiktok for more progress updates!


