Three Beauty Products that are Worth the Hype



There’s nothing worse than spending money on a product, only to find that it doesn’t really work that well or the results are lower than your expectations. That’s why I decided to share a few products I recently used a full bottle of and feel that they’re worth the hype! This is one of my first “empties” review and felt like it would be helpful to share my experience and recommendations of these products! 


So without further ado, here are three beauty products that are worth the hype!

  1. Osea Malibu Undaria Algae Body Oil: You might already be familiar with this product or maybe have at least seen it a few times online. This body oil really is the holy grail. My first bottle ended up lasting me over a year! I didn’t use it everyday, so just keep that in mind, but I feel like it ended up lasting awhile. It’s a little pricey but if you’re willing to spend a little more on a body oil, you will notice the difference in your skin. It makes my skin GLOW! Even the next day after applying, I can see how moisturized my skin looks. I LOVE THIS STUFF!
  2. Crown Affair Hair Oil: I’ve tried so many different hair oils and hair products in general and this is the one I always go to. Similar to the Osea Body Oil, this little bottle has lasted me over a year and I am still not all the way through with it! I use a small amount in my palm after I shower and run it through my hair from the ends to the top of my head. It’s one of those products where I notice the difference after using it. My hair is SO soft afterwards especially when I use their towel together with the oil. It also doubles as a heat protectant and I’ve noticed the difference in my frizz as well.
  3. Benefit 24 Hour Brow Gel: I have furry brows and I love it! I’ve tried quite a few different “brow gels”, soaps, etc. trying to tame them and make them stay in place. Before, I was using just Dial soap for awhile until I tried this product. First, I use an eyebrow brush (I use an ELF brand one I buy at target). Then I brush my brows upward and then I use the Benefit brow gel (i use the clear one). To make them stay in place, I kinda set the product in with my finger. They stay practically all day as long as I don’t hit my eyebrows much. Expect to see crust the next morning on your brows if you forget to wash it off at night. It’s basically a glue! lol

And that’s it! I absolutely love these products and highly recommend them all. This isn’t paid or sponsored, I just wanted to share my love for these! A few honorable mentions and products I’ve been using lately and love too are the Salty Face Freckle Paint and Ilia’s Multi Stick. Both of these are now a part of my makeup routine and had been great additions!

I would love to know any products you recommend!
