How to Dress Up a Graphic Tee

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I recently had a random girl, who doesn’t follow me on instagram, comment on a bunch of my photos. Her comments had a rude tone behind them, asking me what was wrong with my eyes and why do I look down in all of my images. I’m pretty sensitive, so maybe she wasn’t saying it in a rude way…but I definitely took it as so. Who the hell goes out of their way to comment negative things on a strangers’ photo? Something about the little situation put some fire under my ass and decided to look at the camera more than usual during this set.
Yes, I have insecurities. One of my eyes is slightly higher than the other and I hate how it looks in photos. I have light acne and scarring on my face. So looking down is a comfort thing for me and something that I tend to do. I AM NOT F*CKING PERFECT AND I DON’T PRETEND TO BE. But I try my best to be a nice, understanding, and accepting person. This is something that I wish others would strive to be as well. You never know what insecurities or issues other’s are dealing with or going through. Why not be supportive and leave negative comments to your damn self.
Anyways, this is an outfit that I have worn so many different versions of. Blazers and plaid are so big this season and I have been all about them (Shop Blazers!). They pair so well with graphic tees and are such a cool way to dress them up while still looking more effortless. 
In case you’re looking for a way to dress up all of those graphic tees you have sitting in your closet, pair them with a cool vintage blazer and some boots. Or with a leather jacket and a neck scarf. Graphic tees are my favorite staple since they can be worn endless ways!
What I’m Wearing: Coat: Forever 21, Shirt: Madewell (Shop more graphic tees here), Jeans: Vintage Levis (Shop Levi’s Here), Boots: Free People, Bag: Simon Miller via Opening Cermony
