Moorten Botanical Garden

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Moorten Botanical Garden’s had been on my list of places I had been dying to go for many years. I don’t remember when or where I first saw a picture of it but I know that I was in love right then and there. It’s so funny seeing photos of things and then experiencing it for yourself. The actual greenhouse was a lot smaller than I had imagined but it definitely did not disappoint. The place was overflowing with lots of prickly cacti and SO hot. It was already around 120 in Palm Springs so it had to be at least 125 inside the greenhouse. We tried to stay and soak in as much as we could before darting outside to try and find some cooler shade.
All in all, this place was just as beautiful and magical as I hoped it wold be. I can’t wait to go back someday.
Just wearing another sandal, dress, and basket bag combo. Once I find an outfit I like, I just stick with it for awhile. And this one was the perfect summer uniform.
Photos by Dawn Photo

