
IMG_7141 It can be so easy to think you have to have your life together in your 20s. The pressure of getting older and feeling like you have to start thinking about being married and having kids, or pursuing a college degree…it can all be a lot sometimes. At times, it can be easy to get sucked into this mindset, but I try to just relax and go with the flow as much as possible. After all, it’s our life right…no one besides ourselves should be setting certain timeline expectations. 
 Do you guys feel pressures of getting older at all? SK-II recently released a study showing that only 2 out of 10 women like the thought of getting older. I wonder if it’s due to all of the pressure that seems to come with age? Another part of the survey stated that across Asia, men thought their prime of their life was their 30s while women on the other hand said their 20s. It’s really interesting to see the results and how women see and look at aging while men don’t seem to feel the pressure as much as they do.
What do you guys feel about aging? Do you embrace it or do you feel the pressure of society standards as well? I would love to hear what you guys think!

This survey was conducted online by Procter & Gamble in May 2017 among 4280 women and 3261 men ages 18 years of age and older in the following countries Japan (n=1006), Korea (n=1010), China (n=1006), Hong Kong (n= 301), Taiwan (n= 303), Thailand (n= 302), Malaysia (n=309), Indonesia (n= 304), United States (n= 1000) , United Kingdom (n= 1000) and Australia (n=1000). 
