One Shoe Styled Six Different Ways

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I’ve gotten a couple of messages on my instagram asking if I could show how I wear a piece multiple ways or how to re-wear something! It seems like with some fashion bloggers or fashion influencers, wearing the same thing twice is a big “no-no” but for me…I think it’s a great way to push your style and see what different outfits you can come up with. The mule has been a repeat staple for my, especially this pair, so I thought I would show how I have worn them with a variety of different outfits. My style really changes on my mood. Some days I will dress more vintage-inspired, while other days I might want a more clean, minimal look but these shoes can be worn and styled for all of those moods!
I think it’s also important to keep in mind that you don’t have to have a lot of money to look stylish! You just have to pick pieces that can be worn together different ways and that’s a fun way to play with your style!

If there is a post or outfit you want to see, please let me know! I always love to hear your feedback!


