Gold Hoops

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When I was in high school, I dated a guy who I thought I was madly in love with. I’m pretty sure we all think this with our first love. But looking back now, I realize it wasn’t the picture perfect “love” I thought it was. Of course we had some really good times together and at the time, he was my best friend. But for some reason, after all of these years, I still remember him telling me he didn’t like earrings on me.  So, young me, in love with this boy and wanting nothing but him to think the world of me, I let my ears close up because he didn’t like them. Now looking back at that, I can’t believe how ridiculous I was to do something because of what a guy said or liked or didn’t like about me. To this day, I continue to second guess and always ask for other’s opinions and approvals. But why? 
I know this is kind of a lot for just a simple blog post about earrings but for some reason, every time I put these earrings on I feel reassurance in myself and as though I’m pushing away those doubts. 
I’m working on being a stronger version of myself and it’s all starts with baby steps, even if it’s just a simple pair of gold hoops. And I think they look damn good on me!
Also these are clip on earrings because I’m too big of a baby to get them pierced again! lol
What I’m Wearing: Top: Topshop, Earrings: Vintage from Etsy, Chokers: Forever 21
