A Fresh Start.

Some of you may have heard, as I mentioned on my Twitter and Instagram account, I had some issues with the company that was hosting my blog. I was unable to login and post for over two weeks and couldn’t get much of a response from anyone that “worked” there. I basically had to start from scratch and I ended up losing a lot of my previous posts and everything I had worked on over the past years. It was a long week for me but I did my best to make lemonade out of lemons. My blog isn’t perfect and it’s missing a lot of pieces and the groundwork that made it what it is today…but sometimes a fresh start is what we need. We need a blank slate to feel like we can move on, start over and get creative again. And honestly I think that’s what I really needed. 
It’s so hard these days not to compare and get caught up in taking a blog, website, creative outlet so seriously. When I first started The Moptop it was purely out of fun, to get inspired and to hopefully provide inspiration for other’s as well. It was something I looked forward to and couldn’t wait to run to my computer, upload and share. But lately, it just wasn’t feeling like that. I found myself getting stressed and pissed off over such small, pity, and dumb things with blogging and the blogging world. So maybe this little messy situation was just what I needed to snap myself back and to remember again why I started this little blog.
With all that being said (and I wish I could elaborate more but I’ve never been good with words!) here is a fresh start. IT’S STILL ME JUST STARTING NEW! 🙂 And I can’t wait to JUST HAVE FUN AGAIN….WHAT’S UP BLOG WORLD!!!!
(Gosh I suck at these types of posts haha)
